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Activities - Groups

1. Music Pedagogy Group

The Music Pedagogy Group of the Department of Music Studies (DMS) at the University of Athens was established in March 2019. It consists of undergraduate and postgraduate students, graduates, collaborators, and teaching staff of the DMS, as well as active music educators.

The central goal of the group is to explore, in each meeting, the best ways of processing musical material for learning music in both formal and informal education. The process of working with material, building useful musical and other skills, is the main focus during meetings.

How could we make music with a group of children of any age within and outside the school setting? How could we activate all members of the group so that everyone participates actively, contributes with their ideas, creates, plays, and expresses themselves? In the group meetings, we put these ideas into practice together.

2. Mentor Group

Music educators from the Attica Region collaborating with the DMS in the context of the Teaching Practice of students in schools, taking on the role of mentors.

The group aims to exchange views with the goal of evaluating, self-evaluating, and reflecting on the knowledge and skills of students, the educators themselves, and their ongoing training and professional development.