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Previous Curriculum Programs

The subject of 'Music' and later 'Music Education' played a significant role in the education of students of all grades in school. The Detailed Curriculum Programs and the Hourly Schedules depict the teaching hours, the subject matter, and the objectives of the course. Over the years, and influenced by historical, political, and social developments, modifications are made. Studying these changes will certainly provoke questions and open up new research inquiries about the role and progression of this specific subject.

In this section, the Government Gazette (FEK) documents of the Detailed Curriculum Programs, the Hourly Schedules, and the curriculum of 'Music' or 'Music Education' are presented. The name of each file reveals the year of the FEK's issuance, the page number, and the education level or grade.

This collection will be gradually enriched.

Previous Hourly Schedules/Detailed Curriculum Programs of Schools - Assignments - Curriculum